วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Laptop Overheating Problems - The Easy Cure

If your laptop runs too hot to use on your lap does not mean that there is something wrong with the machine. The manufacturers call these machines notebook PCs for good reason. The fact is that they all run far too hot to be used on a lap in comfort for more than a few minutes. The solution is to move the machine on a lap tray or on a desktop.

Although they recognize overheating by the following symptoms occur:

1. The engine fan iswork continuously and noisily at maximum speed.

2. The laptop shuts down suddenly without warning, perhaps after a few minutes of operation.

3. The laptop will shut down shortly after launch any software that makes the processor work hard (3D games, movie player, video editing software, etc.) use.

If you are any of these symptoms then it is reasonable to assume that experience has got your laptop overheating problem, and is the nextto try to identify the cause

Of course, you can use your laptop an error or, in some rare cases, a design problem, which means that you need to talk to your dealer. But the most common reason for this is far from one or both:

1. You are using your laptop in a manner that prevents the cooling system to function properly.

2. Your laptop's cooling system is to add dirt and dust.

The good news is that in both cases that it is really easyto resolve. It is not necessary to return the computer to the manufacturer, and no need for major repair bills. Here are two things before you try to do something else.

Solution 1: Leave your notebook Breathe

Take a careful look at your laptop and see if you can identify two things:

1. The fan outlet. This is usually on the side of the machine and easy to find, if it is running, because hot air blowing on his hand.

2. The airHost barbecues. These are usually only a number of slots will be in the housing so that air into the machine. They are not so obvious and at some point lies on the side, but probably in those days, they will be on the bottom.

The components in your laptop generate much heat, how they work. Your laptop's cooling system removes heat by sucking cool air entering through the grill and hands it to bid in all plant parts. The resulting warm air is then blown outthe outlet. The cooling system is the continuously all the time your machine is working, and as long as nothing happens to interrupt the flow of air, it is only necessary to cool the machine.

The problem is that, shortly after they determine that a laptop is running too hot to use directly on their laps, many people simply move the computer with a pillow on the sofa or on the carpet. Once they guess what? You start to block up the cooling airReception and a little while after that, your machine starts to overheat.

Of course, once you know what's going on, the solution is obvious. Simply move the machine on a flat, hard surface that allow the cooling air to circulate. Let your laptop to breathe!

Solution 2: Keep it clean

You probably remember from science classes, that one of the things about moving is hot, dry air, it quickly builds a static charge around in the objects around him. Whenthis happens in your laptop to the interior surfaces begin to act as dust magnets. Each particle passing of dust or dirt, will most likely stick as if they had to be glued.

As they do, they begin to build an insulating layer of dust, to prevent heat from escaping effective that it can cause serious overheating problems quite quickly.

The solution to this problem is to regularly clean the cooling system. This is a simple procedure andnot, you must disassemble your machine, or anything that your warranty will be void to be done.

You need two things:

1. An Aerosol Air Duster (available in all good PC store).

2. A vacuum cleaner with a crevice tool.

The procedure is quite simple:

1. Make sure that the laptop turned off and unplugged before you begin.

2. Use the Air Duster to drive out the dust by blowing through the intake and exhaust grillsPorts.

3. At the same time, the loose vacuuming with a vacuum cleaner.

Keep repeating this process every few months for your laptop's cooling system in perfect condition and it really gets to work without the need for powered cooling tray or any other special gadget.

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